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dates exporter

Top 10 Global Fresh and Dried Dates Exporters, Including Egypt

As you explore the dynamic realm of global trade, you’ll find that the market for fresh and dried dates is ripening with opportunity in 2023. Countries from around the world serve as vital dates exporters, shaping a robust international trade ecosystem with Egypt playing a pivotal role. Whether you’re a culinary enthusiast curious about the origins of your favorite dried date or a business professional considering the potential of the global market, understanding the top players in this segment is key. Delve deeper into an industry where tradition meets international commerce, and where each exporter contributes to a diverse, flavor-rich market that goes beyond the simple export of fruit—it’s the exchange of heritage, health, and sweetness across borders.

With the significance of dates exporter networks ever-growing, analyzing their impact isn’t just about the economics; it’s about recognizing the intricate connection between agriculture, nutrition, and cultural significance that dates embody. Refine your palate and perspective as we embark on a journey to unravel the intricacies of the dates industry, with a keen eye on 2023’s top suppliers of both fresh and dried varieties.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the leading global exporters of fresh and dried dates in 2023 and their influence on the international market.
  • Egypt’s pivotal role and strategic approaches in the global dates export landscape are highlighted.
  • Grasp the importance of the international trade in shaping the global availability and consumption of dates.
  • Learn about the agricultural, economic, and cultural significance of dates in worldwide commerce.
  • Unveil how global market trends dictate the demand and supply of both fresh and dried date varieties.
  • Understand the trade codes and regulations that govern the export and import of dates across countries.
  • Appreciate the health and nutritional benefits contributing to the growing popularity of dates.

The Rising Demand for Dates Worldwide

As an edible powerhouse of nutrition, dates have witnessed a sharp rise in demand on the global scale. The year 2022 continued the trend from 2021, with more health-conscious consumers integrating this natural sweetener into their diets. As a major global exporter, the date industry has adapted to meet these changes, propelled by the inherent health benefits and diverse nutritional value that dates offer.

Health Benefits and Nutritional Value

Dates are a treasure trove of essential nutrients, leading to a surge in their popularity. They are high in fiber, which aids digestion, and packed with natural sugars, making them an energy-rich snack. The health benefits of dates include improved heart health owing to their potassium content, and their array of antioxidants can combat oxidative stress. These attributes underpin their escalated consumption, as they align perfectly with the current health and wellness trends.

Increased Consumption During Festive Seasons

Festive consumption of dates is another factor underpinning their rising demand. Traditions during Ramadan, Christmas, and other cultural festivities have deepened the association of dates with celebration and hospitality. This spike in festive consumption during numerous holidays has cemented the position of dates not only as a health food but also a central element of global cultural practices.

Global Market Trends for Fresh and Dried Dates

Consumers worldwide have embraced both fresh and dried dates, impacting global market trends. The heightened demand reflects an increased awareness of dietary choices, with a preference for natural and wholesome foods. Consequently, the date industry has witnessed significant growth, with producers and exporters adapting to evolving consumption patterns across the globe.

YearFresh Dates Consumption (Metric Tons)Dried Dates Consumption (Metric Tons)Annual Growth Rate
20211.2 million800,0005%
20221.4 million1 million6%

These figures hold testament to the robustness of the global market for dates, where the interplay of health-conscious choices, festive traditions, and sustainable agricultural practices continue to shape consumption trends. As global exporters strategize to cater to this growing demand, the nutritional value and cultural significance of dates play a central role in their worldwide distribution and popularity.

Understanding the International Trade of Dates

As we delve into the global trade of dates, it’s essential to recognize the pivotal role of the Harmonized System (HS) in the export and import processes. Specifically, HS code 080410 underlines the category for fresh or dried dates, providing a standardized international nomenclature to facilitate trade and data collection worldwide. For businesses and analysts in the food and agriculture sectors, understanding this code is crucial for tracking the movement of dates across borders, as well as comprehending their export value.

HS Code 080410: The Significance in Date Exportation

HS code 080410 is more than a mere string of numbers; it is the linchpin of international trade documentation for dates. This code helps exporters and importers streamline their transactions and adhere to regulations by identifying dates as a distinct category. It plays a vital part in creating trade statistics that inform policy and market decisions. By accurately labeling consignments with this code, businesses can ensure the proper tariffs are applied and that their products reach the intended markets without unnecessary delay or complication.

Food Security and Sustainable Agricultural Impacts

Exporting dates not only generates revenue for producing countries but also contributes substantially to food security. The trade of this nutrient-rich fruit supports the efforts to provide affordable, healthy food options to populations worldwide, thereby aiding in the combat against hunger. Furthermore, by aligning date production with sustainable agricultural practices, this trade supports long-term ecological balance, soil fertility, and minimizes environmental impact. Organizations like Tridge and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) provide essential data and support to ensure that the benefits of date trade extend to enhancing global food security and promoting sustainable agricultural development.

Egypt’s Position in the Global Dates Export Market

As a global exporter of fresh agricultural products, Egypt has carved out a formidable niche in the realm of date exports. This country has not only become synonymous with the sweet fruit but has also established itself as a key player on the international stage. With a climate ideally suited for date palm cultivation, Egypt has fostered a robust industry exemplifying how a country’s exported goods can resonate in markets worldwide.

Each year, Egypt’s diverse array of dates reaches far and wide, improving its foothold among the pantheon of top exporting countries. The strategies deployed by Egypt to sustain and even amplify its export prowess are multifaceted, incorporating innovation in agricultural techniques, marketing strategies, and international trade relations.

Did you know that Egypt is one of the world’s leading exporters of dates?

In this section, you will gain an overview of Egypt’s annual output, the varieties of dates the country exports, and the strategic measures Egypt undertakes to enhance its competitive edge. From the well-known Medjool to the less common but equally delectable Hayany, Egypt’s date varieties are as rich and varied as the ancient culture itself.

Egypt’s Date VarietiesDescriptionExport Volume
MedjoolLarge, sweet, and wrinkled exterior20,000 Metric Tons
HayanyDark red to black, soft, and sweet15,000 Metric Tons
SiwiSmall, dry, and chewy texture10,000 Metric Tons
ZaghloulRed skin, long, and very sweet8,000 Metric Tons
SaidyHigh sugar content, resilient to high temperatures5,000 Metric Tons
  • Continuous advancements in agricultural practices ensure sustainable growth and quality produce.
  • Strategic geographical trade channels allow for expedient delivery to Europe, Asia, and beyond.
  • Investments in technology foster increased productivity and preservation techniques.

Understanding the dynamics of Egypt’s role in the global dates export market is crucial when considering the broader scope of agricultural exports. As you delve deeper into the provided data and analysis, the prowess and potential of Egypt to reign as a dominant force in the global exporter of fresh dates becomes increasingly evident.

Top 10 Global Fresh and Dried Dates Exporters, including Egypt

Egypt’s acclaimed status as a global powerhouse in exporting dates is not without merit. As you survey the vibrant landscapes of top dates exporters from previous years, such as in 2021, it’s clear that these nations are vying not merely to lead but to dominate the market. In 2023, this competitive fervor is exemplified by the fact that global exporters are continually ramping up their production, moving millions of tons of dates across continents and making a significant mark on international trade.

To elucidate, let’s consider a snapshot of the top producers and their output. Here, we lay out a comprehensive table reflecting the latest available data on the top dates exporter of dates in 2021 and their continued performance into 2023. Egypt’s production and export intricacies, as well as its comparison with other leading nations, are carefully chronicled to provide you with clear insights into the global exporters’ landscape.

RankCountry2021 Export Volume (Million Tons)2023 Export Volume (Million Tons)Global Market Share (%)
2Saudi Arabia1.151.2515%
4United Arab Emirates0.800.8510%

Please note that the figures presented are estimates, based on the most current international trade data.

The economic impact of these exports cannot be understated. For countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia, dates are not just a cultural staple but are a linchpin of the agricultural sector, playing a vital part in their economies. Top producers have leveraged their geographic and climatic advantages to optimize date cultivation, turning arid zones into lush date palm orchards and harnessing this transformation into economic success.

Dates from these leading countries have found their way across the world, leaving an indelible impact on global tastes and consumption patterns. From the Middle East to Southeast Asia, and even Western markets, the reach of top exporters is truly global, resonating to the core of their economies and reinforcing their status as date-producing titans.

The Role of Saudi Arabia in Dates Export

As you explore the kingdom’s economic landscape, it’s hard to overlook the verdant stretches of Saudi Arabia’s palm groves. The country, with its rich history, culture, and now its forward-looking Vision 2030 initiatives, is making significant strides in the agricultural sector, particularly in the cultivation and export of dates. These sweet fruits are not only a staple on Saudi tables but are also an important contributor to the kingdom’s economy, substantiating its status as a pivotal player on the global stage of dates export.

Saudi Arabia Boasts Extensive Palm Groves

The vast and flourishing palm groves of Saudi Arabia are a testament to the nation’s investment in agricultural sustainability and prowess. Each year, millions of kilograms of dates are produced, ready for domestic consumption and international markets. The date palm, aptly regarded as the ‘tree of life’ within the region, has served the dietary and economic needs of its people for centuries.

Vision 2030: Impact on the Export Sector

As part of the ambitious Vision 2030 program, Saudi Arabia aims to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on oil revenues. The export of dates plays a crucial role in this transformation. The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture has been crucial in promoting advanced farming techniques, ensuring sustainability, and enhancing the quality of dates to boost exports even further.

Agricultural Area CoverageSaudi Arabia’s extensive palm groves span across thousands of hectares, indicating vast potential for date production.
Export VolumeRanked as a top date-exporting country, the kingdom aims to increase its export volume substantially by 2030.
Global Market ShareThe kingdom’s strategic geographical location positions it well to supply dates to markets across Asia, Europe, and beyond.
Quality Improvement InitiativesImplementation of advanced agricultural technologies to enhance date quality, driven by Vision 2030 goals.
Economic DiversificationBy increasing non-oil exports like dates, the kingdom is working towards a more diverse and sustainable economy.
Ministry SupportThe Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture is providing support in research, marketing, and infrastructure to facilitate growth in date exports.

Tunisia’s Influence as a Leading Date Exporter

As you navigate the global market of date fruits, Tunisia emerges prominently as one of the superior exporting countries. This North African nation is revered for its sumptuous date varieties, particularly the world-renowned Deglet Noor, which have become synonymous with export quality standards and fuel for economic growth. Exploring Tunisia’s pivotal role in the date export industry not only sheds light on the country’s economic trajectory but also underscores the strategic importance of this agricultural sector within the broader scope of global trade.

Date Varieties and Export Quality Standards

Tunisian dates are distinguished by their exceptional sweetness and texture, attributes that owe much to the country’s climatic conditions and agricultural expertise. The most celebrated among these is the Deglet Noor, often referred to as the “queen of dates,” sought after globally for its translucent color and honey-like flavor.

Adherence to stringent export quality standards is key to Tunisia’s success in the date export market. Each fruit passes through meticulous quality control processes to ensure that it meets the expectations of international buyers. This attention to detail reassures consumers about the premium nature of Tunisian dates, strengthening the country’s reputation as a reliable supplier on the world stage.

Economic Growth Through Date Exports

Date exports have become a cornerstone of Tunisia’s agricultural economy, contributing significantly to rural development and employment. The lucrative nature of this commodity has steadily fueled the economic engine, propelling growth and providing a valuable source of foreign exchange.

As the demand for Tunisian dates continues to rise, the nation takes pride in its role as a pivotal player among exporting countries, demonstrating how a focus on quality and variety can lead to sustained economic prosperity.

Date VarietyQuality GradeCharacteristicsGlobal Demand
Deglet NoorPremiumTranslucent color, honey flavorHigh
Khouat AligStandardSweet, medium firmnessModerate
AlligStandardSoft texture, high sweetnessModerate
BarhiSpecialtyRound shape, caramel flavorEmerging

Iran’s Part in the International Dates Industry

Iran stands as a key player in the global dates market, boasting a rich history and expertise in cultivating some of the finest varieties of dates. With an emphasis on agricultural innovation and adherence to stringent quality standards, Iranian dates have garnered international acclaim for their exceptional taste and texture. Let’s delve into the specifics of these celebrated Iranian date varieties and the meticulous practices leading to their harvest.

Renowned Iranian Varieties: Mazafati and Piarom Date

Mazafati dates, also recognized as ‘Bam dates’, are one of Iran’s most succulent and widely enjoyed types of dates. Primarily harvested in the southern regions, their dark, fleshy and sweet profile makes them a favorite for both domestic consumption and international export. Conversely, the Piarom date, often referred to as the ‘chocolate date’ due to its rich, brown color and fine texture, is predominantly grown in the Hormozgan province. These semi-dried dates are sought after for their longer shelf life and nutrition profile.

Agricultural Practices and Harvesting Techniques

The agricultural landscape in Iran benefits from advanced harvesting techniques that ensure the high quality and distinctive flavors of its dates. Implementing a combination of traditional knowledge and modern technology, Iranian farmers are able to maximize yield and maintain the integrity of the fruit from the palm grove to the packing facilities. Attention to detail during the harvesting process is critical to meet the rigorous quality standards expected by date connoisseurs worldwide.

VarietyRegionHarvest SeasonTextureUsage
MazafatiKerman, Sistan and BaluchestanLate SummerSoft and FleshyTable Date, Confectionery
PiaromHormozganAutumnSemi-dried, ChewyHigh-end Snacks, Healthy Diet
  • Employ traditional Iranian farming wisdom harmonized with modern agricultural techniques.
  • Focus on sustainable practices to ensure conservation of resources during harvesting.
  • Maintain quality standards through monitored growth and post-harvest processing.

Exploring the Diverse Varieties of Dates from Iraq

In the fertile landscapes of Iraq, dates are not merely a fruit; they are a cornerstone of nutrition and culture. Recognized as a staple food, dates are embedded in the daily life and cuisine of the Iraqi people. With its years of cultivation experience, Iraq stands poised to satisfy both domestic needs and international demands with its abundant date varieties.

The Importance of Dates as a Staple Food

Dates have been an essential part of the Iraqi diet for centuries. Loaded with energy, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, they offer a nutritional powerhouse that has sustained generations. In Iraq, the utility of dates goes beyond mere sustenance; they embody a tradition that brings families together, especially during the month of Ramadan and other celebratory occasions.

Iraq’s Exporting Capacity and Local Varieties

When assessing Iraq’s export capacity, one cannot overlook the wealth of local date varieties. The Sayer date, known for its optimal balance of sweetness and firmness, leads the export charts due to high demand. Following the Sayer, the Zahedi and Rabbi dates have also carved out their niches in international markets thanks to their distinct flavors and textures. Iraq’s proficiency in cultivating these local varieties not only enhances its export capacity but also showcases the nation’s agricultural versatility.

  • Sayer Dates: Praised for their rich flavour and storage longevity, ideal for extensive trade routes.
  • Zahedi Dates: Often recognized for their dryness and lighter sweetness, Zahedi dates are a favorite for those who prefer a less intense taste.
  • Rabbi Dates: Known for their softness and higher moisture content, Rabbi dates are sought after in markets that favor chewier textures.

With a focus on sustainable agriculture and quality control, Iraq is steadily enhancing its ability to export these cherished fruits, making it an important player in the date market. The unique appeal of Iraqi dates may indeed increase their presence on the global stage, contributing significantly to the country’s economy.

The United Arab Emirates’ Approach to Date Exporting

As a beacon of innovation and economic growth, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has established itself as a global exporter with a significant thrust in the agricultural sector, particularly in date palm cultivation. The strategies adopted by the UAE not only highlight its agronomic excellence but also reflect its commitment to economic diversification, thereby contributing to a more robust and sustainable economy.

Date Palm Cultivation and Economic Diversification

Date palms are more than just a cultural symbol in the UAE; they are a cornerstone of the nation’s agricultural strategy. The thriving date palm plantations are a testament to the ingenious agrarian practices and technological advancements that have been meticulously integrated to bolster date production, positioning the UAE as a formidable player in the global export arena.

The nation’s foray into the intricacies of date palm cultivation, while harnessing cutting-edge irrigation techniques and pest control, underscores an innovative approach that not only maximizes yield but also ensures top-notch quality. The broader vision encapsulates an economic diversification plan which pivots away from oil-dependency to a more varied economy, with agriculture and date exporting being pivotal elements.

Economic diversification, a strategic imperative embraced by the UAE, has seen a positive correlation with its date export endeavors – an initiative that harmoniously blends traditional agricultural heritage with contemporary economic ambitions. The end result is a vibrant export sector that complements other industries, generating employment, fostering rural development, and opening up new markets.

  • Strategic agricultural practices maximizing date yield
  • Technological advancements improving the quality and export volume of dates
  • Export diversification contributing to the UAE’s economic resilience
  • Creation of job opportunities within the agricultural sector

As the UAE continues to soar high as a global exporter, the date palm remains an emblematic crop that exemplifies the successful convergence of tradition and progress. This delicate balance between preserving traditional agricultural practices and embracing modern approaches to cultivation and exportation is steering the UAE towards a future of sustainable prosperity and economic diversification.

Algerian Dates: A Blend of Quality and Tradition

As you delve into the world of Algerian dates, it’s evident that this North African nation treasures a blend of quality and time-honored tradition in its date cultivation. These sweet fruits are not only a staple of Algerian heritage but are also an increasingly significant player on the global market stage. With precise gear and techniques adapted over centuries, Algerian farmers ensure that harvest time yields the finest dates, ready for the logistical ballet of processing and exportation.

Harvest Time and Date Processing

Harvest time in Algeria is a dynamic season, when the palms are laden with fruits ready to be picked. The gathering of dates is crucial, as it sets the tone for quality. Algerian harvesters are equipped with the knowledge and gear necessary to select the most succulent dates at the optimal ripeness. Following the harvest, processing takes center stage, transforming the raw dates into a form that preserves their natural sweetness and extends shelf life, preparing them for their journey to the global market.

Algeria: A Rising Competitor in the Global Market

In the competitive arena of date exports, Algeria aims to proliferate its presence by setting an ambitious goal: exporting 2.5 million tons of dates. This target propels the country into the sphere of major global competitors, positioning Algerian dates not just as a product, but as a testament to the nation’s rich cultural legacy and modern agricultural prowess. With every date exported, Algeria shares a piece of its heritage, contributing to the diverse tapestry of global flavors.

Morocco’s Export Strategies for Dates

As we turn our focus to Morocco, a nation known for its majestic landscapes and rich culture, it is also important to recognize its strategic role in the dates industry. Morocco’s export strategies have been intricately developed to not only serve the local demands but also to establish a firm presence in international markets. This is critical, as the country strives to exceed the ambitious target of 8.5 million tons in date exports.

Local and International Markets

Morocco’s balanced approach between catering to local tastes and meeting international standards has been pivotal in its success. Understanding the nuances of both local and international preferences, Morocco has crafted export strategies that reflect the intricate blend of traditional agricultural wisdom and contemporary market needs. This ensures Moroccan dates are as much a household name within the country as they are a prized commodity on the global stage.

Improving Agricultural Practices for Better Yield

Incremental enhancements in agricultural practices are at the core of Morocco’s strategy to boost its date yield. Recognizing that quality and volume go hand in hand, Moroccan farmers and agribusinesses are adopting innovative methods to optimize water usage, improve soil health, and combat pests more effectively. Such sustainable practices aim to surpass the impressive figure of 8.5 million tons, setting a new benchmark for the industry and ensuring Morocco’s reputation as a premium date exporter remains unchallenged.

Other Notable Countries in the Date Export Industry

While the giants of the date export industry dominate the headlines, there are smaller players whose involvement is no less important. Emerging markets, such as Yemen and Kuwait, have continued to contribute to the global supply of dates, leveraging their niche exporters to tap into the evolving global market and foster economic growth.

Yemen and Kuwait’s Contributions to Date Exports

The arid landscapes of Yemen have been home to date palms for centuries, making it a country with deep roots in date cultivation. Nowadays, Yemen is recognized for producing unique date varieties that cater to specific market segments. Kuwait, although smaller in its production volumes, also adds to the variety and richness of the global date market. The strategic geolocation of both countries facilitates their access to various markets, connecting ancient date farming traditions to modern trade routes.

Emerging Markets and Niche Exporters

As niche exporters gain momentum, the global market is experiencing an injection of diversity and competitiveness. These emerging markets are not only adding to the economic growth of their respective nations but also offering consumers across the world a wider range of choices. Their focused market strategies are aimed at creating unique selling propositions for their dates, distinguishing them from the mainstream offerings. This approach does not only cater to a global palate but also supports local economies.

CountryVarietiesAnnual Production VolumeTarget Markets
YemenAnbara, Azwa, and KhudriEstimated 10,000 tonsMiddle East, Asia
KuwaitKhalas, ShishiEstimated 5,000 tonsLocal GCC Countries

With the global market for dates ever-expanding, countries like Yemen and Kuwait are strategically positioning themselves as specialty suppliers. It is this niche appeal that is likely to spur further economic growth, setting these countries up as important stakeholders in the date export industry’s future.


As we have journeyed through the intricate tapestry of the global date trade, your understanding of this industry’s landscape has become markedly profound. The pivotal roles that top exporters play cannot be overstated, as countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iran cement their status as crucial pillars in international trade. Their collective efforts drive the global date trade, shaping economic landscapes and affirming the importance of sustainable agricultural practices.

The Impact of Top Exporters on Global Date Trade

The top exporters have undeniably influenced the robustness of the global date trade, and their strategic movements have repercussions across the entire industry. These countries’ dedication to improving quality, expanding production, and penetrating new markets is a testament to the dynamic nature of international trade. As they continue to innovate and adapt, their impact resonates through both the freshness and sweetness of the dates that grace dining tables worldwide.

Future Projections for the Date Exporting Countries

Looking forward, the future beckons with promising projections for the date exporting countries. We anticipate that these nations will harness the power of advanced agricultural technologies, explore eco-friendly cultivation methods, and foster sustainable initiatives that will not only safeguard their legacy but also propel them toward new heights of success. As you watch these developments unfold, the date industry is poised to embrace change and continue its rich history of global trade richness, all while being marginally influenced by fluctuations in international markets and consumer preferences.


What countries are among the top 10 global exporters of fresh and dried dates?

The top 10 global exporters typically include Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Tunisia, Iraq, Algeria, United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Yemen, and Kuwait. These countries are renowned for their significant contributions to the international trade of dates.

How does the health benefits and nutritional value of dates affect global demand?

Dates are appreciated for their high nutritional value, including being a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These health benefits have contributed to a rise in global demand, especially as consumers become more health-conscious.

Why does date consumption increase during festive seasons?

Dates are traditionally consumed during festive seasons, particularly in religious and cultural festivities like Ramadan and Christmas, due to their historical and cultural significance, which leads to a spike in date consumption globally during these periods.

What is the significance of the HS code 080410 in date exportation?

HS code 080410 is used in international trade to classify fresh or dried dates. It’s significant for tracking and analyzing date exports, ensuring compliance with trade regulations, and understanding market trends.

How do date exports contribute to food security and sustainable agriculture?

Date exports contribute to food security by providing an important and stable source of income for date-producing countries, which can then invest in sustainable agricultural practices. This promotes environmental conservation and ensures a consistent food supply.

What types of dates does Egypt export and what is their global market presence?

Egypt exports various types of dates, such as the Medjool and Hayani dates. The country holds a significant presence in the global market due to its substantial annual output and strategic trade engagements.

How has Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 impacted its date export sector?

Vision 2030 in Saudi Arabia aims to diversify the economy and boost non-oil exports like dates. This long-term plan includes investing in agricultural technology and enhancing the quality and quantity of date exports.

What makes Tunisian dates competitive in the international market?

Tunisian dates, particularly the Deglet Noor variety, are known for their high quality which meets international export standards. This, coupled with strategic marketing and trade practices, makes Tunisia a competitive player in the international market.

What are some renowned Iranian date varieties?

Iran is famous for producing high-quality date varieties such as Mazafati, often enjoyed for their rich flavor and texture, and Piarom, noted for their semi-dried consistency and suitability for long-term storage.

Why are Iraqi dates important in their national diet?

In Iraq, dates are considered a staple food due to their historical abundance and nutritional value. They play a vital role in the everyday diet, serving as an essential source of energy for the population.

What tactics does the United Arab Emirates use to support date exporting?

The United Arab Emirates utilizes advanced cultivation techniques for date palms and implements strategies for economic diversification that include boosting the export of dates as a key agricultural product.

How does Algeria plan to become a global competitor in date exports?

Algeria aims to increase its export volume to 2.5 million tons of dates, focusing on enhancing quality and processing methods, while maintaining the traditional aspects that give Algerian dates their unique appeal.

What export strategies is Morocco using to improve its position in the date market?

Morocco is developing its export strategies by targeting both local and international markets, improving agricultural practices for better yield, and striving to exceed 8.5 million tons in date exports.

How are Yemen and Kuwait contributing to the global date export industry?

Yemen and Kuwait are expanding their contributions by developing their date cultivation sectors, focusing on quality, and tapping into both regional and international markets. This helps to diversify and grow their economies.

dates exporters
dates exporters